HBS Golden Tax Locallization Solutions

  HBS Golden Tax Localization Solutions (HBS GTS) helps customers to achieve the seamless integration between financial information system and Golden Tax system with invoice information management platform to standardize billing process, improve invoicing efficiency and maintain invoice information consistency and accuracy. Moreover, HBS GTS will help customers adapt to complicated customer demands nationwide with its strong billing functions.


Bidirectional interface to connect ERP with Golden Tax System without duplicated workload

Effective invoicing process control maintain data consistency between ERP and Golden Tax

Invoice multi-dimension query functions, easy for invoice status tracing and accurate reconciliation

Invoice consolidation, split and modification based on customers demand flexibly

B/S architecture let users throughout China access to HBS GTS easily, which keep pace with customer long-term development

Customer Comment

  “We are very pleased to have HBS software (China) company as Cargill China’s financial software localization partner in China and would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to express our appreciation to HBS for the highest level of professional consultant and commitment to this project. During the implementation process, we are very much impressed by HBS’s project management based on customer-oriented approach as well as by its young, brilliant staff working devotedly. Moreover, we also appreciate their on-time service of the training and free upgrade till present.” ——Financial Controller Cargill Investments (China) Ltd.

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